CoronaVirus COVID-19 COVID-19Deaths COVID-19EU COVID-19Tests Mortality Rate per Capita (MRpC) Statistics

COVID-19 Coronavirus EU Statistics on 13 May 2020

Summary: The bar charts show the number of COVID-19 Deaths and COVID-19 Tests in the EU. The scatter chart shows the number of COVID-19 Deaths and COVID-19 Tests combined in one chart. Three countries with high number of COVID-19 deaths (France, the Netherlands and Sweden) are in the top left quadrant with low number of tests. Lack of testing causes underreporting of COVID-19 deaths as many patients who died without being diagnosed were not counted as COVID-19 cases.

CoronaVirus COVID-19 COVID-19Deaths COVID-19NL Mortality Rate per Capita (MRpC) Statistics

The RIVM Smoke and Mirrors Show continues…

Summary: RIVM, the Dutch goverment’s institute for public health and environment, showed the same fake graph as two weeks earlier. This time it wasn’t China, but Brazil, and again the USA, that were marked as EU country. All done in a poor attempt to hide the truth about the high number of COVID-19 deaths in the Netherlands.

Case Fatality Rate (CFR) CoronaVirus COVID-19 COVID-19Deaths COVID-19NL Mortality Rate per Capita (MRpC) Statistics


Summary: Within a period of 4 days in April 2020, President Trump in the USA and the Dutch RIVM (Institute for Public Health and Environment) in the Netherlands, presented what should have been a simple chart, showing countries with the highest number of COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 population. Trump’s chart was an easy to read bar chart – in a glance one can see that Belgium has the highest number, followed by Spain, Italy, France, UK, Netherlands, USA, Iran, Germany and China. In contrast, RIVM’s chart was a scatter chart showing 100+ yellow dots representing countries. Ten of the dots were marked as “EU countries” and the Netherlands was the only country identified, with an arrowhead. One can look at it for 5 minutes and still don’t have a clue which dot has the highest number of deaths per 100,000 population (it wasn’t the dot highest on the chart) and which countries the other dots were representing. The only clear thing about the RIVM chart is that it was deceitfully presented to hide the high number of Dutch COVID-19 deaths.