CoronaVirus COVID-19 COVID-19Deaths COVID-19EU COVID-19Tests Mortality Rate per Capita (MRpC) Statistics

COVID-19 Coronavirus EU Statistics on 31 May 2020

Summary: The bar charts show the number of COVID-19 Deaths and COVID-19 Tests in the EU. The scatter chart shows the number of COVID-19 Deaths and COVID-19 Tests combined in one chart. Three countries with high number of deaths and low number of tests (France, the Netherlands and Sweden) are in the top left quadrant. Lack of testing causes underreporting of COVID-19 deaths as many patients who died without being diagnosed were not counted as COVID-19 cases and also not counted as COVID-19 deaths.

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COVID-19 Coronavirus EU Statistics on 31 May 2020:

  • COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 population in EU member states
  • COVID-19 Tests per 1000 population in EU member states
  • COVID-19 Tests per 1000 population & COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 population in EU member states

Data from

COVID-19 Mortality Rate per Capita (MRpC) or COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 population on 31 May 2020. EU member states with Global COVID-19 MRpC ranking.
COVID-19 Mortality Rate per Capita (MRpC) or COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 population
on 31 May 2020. EU member states with Global COVID-19 MRpC ranking.
COVID-19 Tests per 1000 population in EU member states on 31 May 2020.
COVID-19 Tests per 1000 population in EU member states on 31 May 2020.
COVID-19 Tests per 1000 population and COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 population in EU member states on 31 May 2020.
COVID-19 Tests per 1000 population and COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 population
in EU member states on 31 May 2020.

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